An Evening With Brian Murphy & Linda Regan – 21st December 2013

On a very wet and windy night just before Christmas, The Misty Moon Film Society hosted a very special treat, not 1 but 2 comedy legends of TV.

Brian Murphy who played George Roper in Man About The House and George and Mildred and Linda Regan who played April in Hi-De-Hi, brought light and warmth to the dark December night.

They both talked avidly of their varied careers in both TV and stage.  Linda is along a crime writer and she talked about her novels, while Brian talked fondly of his Yootha Joyce.  Our resident MC Chris Collins kept the audience entertained, whilst looking particularly glamourous.

Linda and Brian signed photos for the audience and we all had a drink afterwards in the new Ladywell Tavern.

Linda and Brian will be returning to Misty Moon in the Spring